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Some virtues of my life. Places that I traveled though, feelings that I lived through, people that I met and colors that I saw.

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Wind’s Helper

1st of October 2011

Mood: getting ready

I’ll change someone’s life. I need help. I offer a dream job of a traveler in a Viter lifestyle)

I noticed I had too many projects and other stuff making busy my hands and my head. Moreover, there will be much more stuff in the future. I had insomnia last night when a brilliant idea came to my mind. I was wondering for the reason doing it that late. That idea was to find a permanent assistant.

Here’s my official announcement of the vacancy of assistant/secretary/manager for Wind:)

- That is a long-term position. One year minimum.
- The job will be paid.

1) Force me to update the blog)
2) Manage email
3) Assistance in shooting organization
4) Movie-project administration
5) Negotiations with TV channels, production studios, etc.
6) Phone calls to embassies in case I get in trouble again)
7) Sign the greeting cards)

1) 20-35 years old female
2) English is a must
3) High communication skills
4) Hard working

1) Command of other foreign languages
2) Travelling and living in different countries experience
3) Experience in the art and business projects

Don’t write me if:
1) you don’t know your goals in your life
2) you can’t leave your dog/mom/boyfriend/child since my job is meant to be flexible to location.

Selection process will be handled in 3 stages:
1) pre-selection via email
2) selected candidates will get an invitation for personal meeting
3) according to the results of the meetings several selected candidates will be tested.

In case you pass the third stage you won’t have office hours from 9 am till 6 pm. You’ll have frequent travels to different countries. You will have a senior friend not a boss. You will have a traveler lifestyle not just a job. Viter lifestyle.

Please, leave your applications here and send details + your photo to Who knows, maybe this offer will change your life.


Good luck!

here’s my office)))

P.S. Guys, don’t be sad! I’ll give an offer for you in couple weeks). Oh yes, please share this information in your blogs and social network pages!

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Nagora, Khmel'nyts'kyi
Glad to read you again. Thanks for coming back. Take care and hopping to hear from you again soon.

Andrew, NiNo
welcome home, Viter=)