/home/viters/public_html/classes/Modules.php => 351
Modules(Categories)::show_list() QUERY= SELECT CTG.*,IMGCTG.image_id as is_empty FROM `categories` AS CTG LEFT JOIN `image_category` AS IMGCTG ON IMGCTG.category_id=CTG.ID WHERE CTG.parent_id='1' AND CTG.active=1 AND CTG.title NOT LIKE 'private' GROUP BY CTG.ID ORDER BY order_num DB Error: unknown error
SELECT CTG.*,IMGCTG.image_id  as is_empty FROM `categories` AS CTG    	  	   				
   	  	   				                      LEFT JOIN `image_category` AS IMGCTG ON IMGCTG.category_id=CTG.ID    
                      	  	    				WHERE CTG.parent_id='1' AND CTG.active=1 AND CTG.title NOT LIKE 'private'  GROUP BY CTG.ID ORDER BY order_num  [nativecode=1055 ** Expression #10 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'viter_viter.IMGCTG.image_id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by]

Viter Lifestyle - Женщины/Beauty

All photos of this model / Все фото этой модели

Evert, Santo Domingo
i like that!!! pretty, very pretty!

Jane, Хмельницикий
Взгляд насыщенный емоциями... Мне нравится!

Jc, Santo Domingo
I like this pic, because she's posing like a "bad girl" and this style looks so good in her...her expression is so professional...Reminds me "Rihana" in Good girls gone Bad!

Definitely could be a nice COVER MAGAZINE!


Veld, Мос.обл.

Байк по тебе рыдает!:)

Victoria Style, Хмельницкий

Очень стильно!!! Мне нравится!!!!

Александр, Москва

Невероятное фото!!! Очень нравится!!!